1. Turning on the power
To turn the unit on, depress the power button. The unit will commence
a start up process and automatically re-stabilize the alcohol sensor.
The LCD display will undergo a count down sequence, indicating that
purge cycles and circuit tests are taking place. This process generally
take 30 seconds but can last 2 minutes. Two beeping sounds and turn
off at the WAIT sign and 0.00 display on LCD indicate the start up process
has been completed.
2. Blow in the unit
Ensuring your mouth is close to the intake of sensor, blow one deep
breath for at least 2 seconds.
3. Display
Dital display and Audio by
0.00% - 0.01%
1 beep sound
0.02% - 0.04%
2 beep sound
0.05% -
Beep sound for 5sec.
4. Retesting
When "WAIT" sign on the LCD is no longer illuminated and display 0.00
on LCD , the unit is reset and ready for retesting.
5. Low battery indicator
The AL 2500 lets you know when the battery is low. sign lights at
the low battery that indicates fresh batteries should be installed before
1. Allow at least 15 minutes between the last consumption of alcohol
and testing.
2. Enclosed rooms with low ventilation or air conditioning may delay
the time taken for resetting between tests.
3. Spittle or alcohol contamination of the alcohol sensor will delay
the time taken for resetting between tests. In the event of spittle
or alcohol contamination, the unit can be shaken to ensure a quick recovery
of the sensor.